Graffiti is a form of artistic expression. It is controversial, a
rebel art form, widely outlawed. A few years ago, the walls of Reykjavík started sprouting some weird
flowers. Lets have a look:

Some are definitely monkey business.

Some involve a good deal of coverage.

Some are more colourful than others.

There is even the odd yellow submarine, sailing up to the side of a
sturdy 4x4.

Some are slightly nasty and convey a subtle, political message. For instance,
this one says: Smile, you idiot. Insiders know that this refers to the dam and the aluminium plants.

Some graffiti contain profound
thoughts, to be continued on a nearby wall.
Framed Graffiti.
This one states it bluntly: I never voted for the Progressive Party.
Well, who did?
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