How to get a tax-card in Iceland

When you hold a job in Iceland, you get a work-permit and a residence permit. You must also get a so-called tax-card that grants you a tax reduction during the current year. Your name, address and ID-number (TIN) appear on the card, as well as the name, address and ID-number of your spouse.

When you move to Iceland, you get this tax-card as soon as you have registered with the National Register, if you have had not received it earlier.

You can get your tax-card at the Internal Revenue Directorate, Laugavegur 166, 150 Reykjavík

Whatever you intend to do, you must first apply for an ID-number with the National Register. If you come from an EEA country you can stay in Iceland for three months without a residence permit. If you are still looking for a job after that period, you may stay for another 3 months without getting a residence permit. If you come from a country outside the EEA, you must also produce a work permit delivered by Icelandic authorities.

If you come from a Scandinavian country, it is enough that you apply for an ID-number (Tax Identification Number, TIN) with the National Registry.

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